Well, Cole's party as a big hit, I will blog more about that next time. Today I wanna blog about drama. Why do we seem to have it in our lives all the time? I have friends who are drama free and I try to surround myself by them as much as I can, because I just can't stand the "catty-ness" some women have. It's like highschool....so and so said this, well, no but she said that, oh my can you believe she did that....so drama filled! And so much of it is lies, and you never know who to believe because they tend to push each other under the bus, so its very much she said-she said. But why is this all necessary? What if we were all just honest, and open, and friendly. Ugh. I just don't get it. Sometimes a friendship means understanding, caring and compassion....actually....that is what a friendship means. My friends are busy Mom's (for the most part). So if they can't get together for a casual supper next week, I get it. They are busy, and next week when they invite me out I may not be able to make it either. Why get all upset over it....we are busy Mama's, Wives, Workers, etc. So much responsibility falls on our shoulders. Which brings me to another grumpy moment....why us? Why do the men get to go to work, enjoy the time with their co-workers, never once considering what we are going through as stay at home mom's. I know I took this job on to be their Mama, and I love it....but why is it my responsibility ALL the time....most men don't even know what happens during the day, it just magically happens!
I sound a little bitter today probably....sorry about that...I just have had a rough week. The flu invaded our house this week and we have had three days of constant sickness....ugh. So I am over tired, achy and probably a bit grumpy.
Let's hope this week ends better than it started. And I am eliminating the drama. Effective now!
i have so so many posts like this... !